Relax Weekend


Relax weekendI went to Bob’s place to pick up 2 Old Navy shirts and had sunbath/pool there for 2 – 3 hours on Saturday. It was nice Saturday with my small piece of swimsuit (on fat body). LOL

Well, If I am in a good shape I might look good. hehe. There are many people there too. One little boy there is cute too. I would like to have my own son!! (when I am ready. LOL)

Then I get back home and get some rest because I was too tired. Don’t know why.

Sunday is another lazy day. I do the laundry all day long and also try in setup my computer again because it just crash after install some software on it. Until now I didn’t do anything good. Kind of relax weekend doh.

My Swimsuit look like this This is my swimsuit look like, but too bad my tummy make it look bad. LOL.  Mine is a green color 🙂

So when I have a good shape I will change to bikini!! haha

I think I might try to go somewhere for the weekend for my relax time.  Maybe a beach somewhere. I think…

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One response to “Relax Weekend”

  1. TresVon Avatar

    I bet you have a gr8 tummy! 🙂 Smile 🙂 Someone is reading about you.