Went To See Davinci Code Last Friday


I went to see Davinci Code with 2 friends, I think it really cool.

Some people doesn’t like it, but I like it (Again).

My friend said it was exactly how the book written. I am thinking about buy the book next month. Hell I still didn’t read Harry Potter the big book.

I thought about something yesterday when I go to the gym. There is no one talk to me nor I talk to anyone. Just the sale represent try to sell something or service to me.

No one else I talked with. Oh.. feel wierd like I am lonely in the world! because except at work, I don’t really speak to anyone! My speaking skill will be worst soon and use only fingers to typing the text. haha

Lately I hate something about ministry of information technology here blocked almost everything! I can’t access my fav porn site and many manything. I felt so much disappoint about all what happened. There is no freedom on the internet here.

This month I won’t go anywhere so anyone read this blog just don’t ask me. LOL , but next month still have quota! I am counting on the salary,,,, my god!!!! I’m so skinny now because I don’t eat. LOL kidding.